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Sagittarius is a star sign of the people having date of birth from 22nd of November to 21st of December. This period is specifically for the Sagittarians and their season is fall. They are optimistic, enthusiastic, independent, outspoken and adventurous people. Their metal is “tin”. Their ruler is Jupiter with the suitable element of fire. Their favorite color is turquoise and the stone lucky for them is “Topaz”. It is the ninth zodiac sign. It has the symbol showing the arrow and bow in the hands of a man with the body of a horse. This means that the people of this star sign are trying to get free themselves from the animal nature in human being. Furthermore, the people of this sign are more relaxed and they don’t like delays in work. They love to work out and want to serve themselves for the humanity. They want them to be in the form that it can pursue the nature of the animals in the human beings. Greeks have a concept about them that they are brave, gentle and confident. They know the idea to possess the nature they want. They are also known as the people having the uncivilized behavior. These people are the ones with a straight forward nature. They have ability to reach the heights and attain their goals. They are thought to be the people who are not so possessive. They are very helping and loving in nature. Their caring ability has no limit with a lot of adventure in their life. They like to have sympathetic behavior towards all. When they speak, they are bluntness and have allot of anger and aggression. They want to trigger the society in their own ways. They show such behavior which is quite distinguished. This dimension also shows a progressive behavior.
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